Your Community Connection
The Peninsula Alliance is comprised of long-term community volunteers who have come together as an organization to create opportunities and implement change in our community.
We are committed to enhancing quality of life in our region through collaboration with other community and civic organizations. We advocate community enhancement and beautification projects, charitable activities and education.
The Peninsula Alliance responds to the needs of our community neighbors, as well as the business and professional communities, where our interests and goals coincide to achieve success.
We are your community connection.

The Claudia Project
Claudia Jack was heavily involved in everything OB. We want to honor our longtime Ocean Beach resident, community volunteer, friend, and Ocean Beach legend, Claudia Jack’s memory with a community project. If you want to contribute to this memorial project, please scan the QR code.
More details to come.

The Peninsula Alliance donates AED to local Peninsula Youth Softball Association
Recently The Peninsula Alliance donated a much-needed Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the Peninsula Youth Softball Association (PYSA). We realized the need to expand the program for multiple AEDs in each of our local youth sports parks. AEDs are crucial for ensuring the safety of young athletes, families, and spectators. AEDs can be life-saving in cases of sudden cardiac arrest, especially in settings where medical help may not be immediately available.
The Peninsula Alliance is taking the initiative to provide more AEDs to our local youth sports parks, and you can help! The cost for one AED is approximately $2,200. Scan the QR code to donate to The Peninsula Alliance AED Program.
Ways we support our community
Helping our communities through partnership.

The Peninsula Alliance Scholarship Program
Providing scholarships to Point Loma High School seniors

Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association
Friends of OB, Annual Awards Dinner Sponsor, Annual Mainstreet Marketing Breakfast Sponsor, and Street Fair Sponsor

OB Oktoberfest

Point Loma Association
Point Loma Association: Miniature Golf Tournament Hole Sponsor, Donations of Gardening Tools to the PLA Mean Green Team

Ocean Beach Woman's Club
Ocean Beach Woman’s Club: Donation for Shed Replacement

Point Loma Rotary Club
Point Loma Rotary Club: Sponsor of the Annual Cornhole for a Cause Tournament

Peninsula Little League
Peninsula Little League: Team Sponsor

Peninsula Youth Softball Association
Peninsula Youth Softball Association:
TPA donated AED Equipment and Training for the League

OB Luminosity
A Drone Fireworks Show for the Community

Ocean Beach Entryway Beautification
Ocean Beach Entryway Beautification: Tools, Volunteer Pizza Party Sponsor, Volunteer Time, and Watering

Ocean Beach Pier Graffiti Removal
Ocean Beach Graffiti Removal from Pier Walls: Supplied Paint, Materials, and Volunteer Time

For the Vets
Host of “For the Vets” a fundraiser supporting the OB Veterans Plaza Project

Contact Us
Post Office Box 60534
San Diego, CA 92166
(619) 788-4208